
Welcome to my personal website! My name is Forager and I'll be documenting all species of plants, small animals and trees that I find around me. I have a deep appreciation for nature and I like to see things up close, so enjoy the collection of photos!

I live in Northern Europe, so expect to see living things from around here. For each entry I will try to identify the species the best I can. I'll also add the date when I first registered that species.

✅ Identified species will have this symbol next to its name ✅

Latest update: August 19th, 2022.

🌱 Plants

In construction!

🐛 Insects

A beetle?

Date: August 8th, 2022.

I think this is some beetle. It has random grey marks on its back.

a small black beetle with grey marks on its back

Green flying thing

Date: August 2nd, 2022.

I love the bright green colors and the big eyes. Will update once I know the exact species.

a small green flying insect with transluscent wings

✅ Araneus diadematus

Date: August 19th, 2022.

This is a nice spider that lives in my backyard. She made an impressive web one night near my window and now we're friends. I read on Wikipedia that she eats her boyfriends.

Notice the patterns on her back.

a small orange spider on a web with white patterns on her back